
Be a Proud Parent

pexels-photo-236164.jpegEvery child is different.

This is a simple statement but has so many important interpretations.

No two children are exactly the same. They may like the same things, and they may have the same demeanor, but they are still two different children.

As parents, we have this instictive nature to compare our children to others. So and so’s kid walked months before ours did. So and so’s kid knows his abcs. There are kids that are taller, faster, stronger, smarter. Instead of constantly comparing our children to others, we need to look at our children and be proud of them for all they have accomplished.

Recently I have been under a lot of scrutiny because my almost 2 year old knows all his letters and some sounds and can recite the abcs. Now let me clarify, this is not something we worked on. It is something he picked up and we noticed he enjoyed, so we encouraged it and gave him oppportunities for more learning. We don’t push or pressure. We don’t make him do it in front of others to impress. He just loves letters. Our oldest son was the same way. I have had shocked responses. I have had parents question what they are doing wrong. I have parents ask what we are doing that they aren’t. I have also heard a few snarky remarks. My reply will always be the same. Every child is different and learns in their own way. Nothing you or I do as a parent will change how our children learn. As a parent all we can do is provide opportunities to learn and encourage our children.

Our kids are not perfect. I have a normal 2 year old who melts down repeatedly, can be shy and is extremely busy. I have a 6 year old who is also very busy, has hard times in social situations and is not a good sport when it comes to losing. I am often wistful of the moms with girls with pretty hair, or the kids who share or play quietly and aren’t bouncing off the walls. But I don’t compare my children to others because my children are their own person. They each have their own strengths and weaknesses, their own personalities, their own likes and dislikes. People often comment that they each have their own looks, and that is great, because they are their own people.

I am proud of my kids for everything they are. I am not a perfect parent. They are not perfect kids. They are individuals and I will always treat them as such. I will applaude them for their sucesses and will hug them through their failures. I will never make them feel like they are less than or better than someone else. I am proud that my kids are who they are and I hope that will make them proud of themselves as well.

1 thought on “Be a Proud Parent”

  1. Your kids are blessed and lucky to have an understanding mom like you.Comparing our kids to others and putting undue pressures on them is the worst form of parenting. Though being a mom I know its very infectious in today’s’ competitive worlds but we have to keep reminding ourself that every kid is unique and every kid is different. Thanks for writing such a thoughtful post.

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